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Where do you get it??

I am all about transparency and the truth is I shop around for different tallows and have yet to stick with one. This mainly has to do with pricing, rendering processes used and location.

HOWEVER, every tallow I have used for my products have been 100% grass-fed, humanely raised, no added hormones or antibiotics. I look for the best of the best and that will never change.

I currently use specifically suet (from a cow), also called leaf fat. It is only the fat surrounding the kidneys. It is harder and cleaner than the fat surrounding the rest of the animal. I no longer wet render which uses water and salt to "purify" and deodorize the fat. I simply dry render which melts the fat at very low heat. No water, no salt, no nothing, just plain tallow.

I got hung up on having my products smell lovely and far from an animal. But the truth is... tallow comes from an animal and the more processing it goes through, the less beneficial it becomes. This has been shown in various lab results between dry rendered and wet rendered tallow. Check out by Jennifer, the founder of Grassland Beauty, where she shares the lab results.

The process of dry rendering is definitely a skill and one I have been working on. So far I have achieved a light buttery smell with intermittent low temperatures. This ensures you're getting all the benefits minus the strong beefy smell. Win-win!